Right! So last post I told you the top 5 things I loved/missed in the U.S. today, I feel that it is a great time to tell you about all the things I love about my new home! (It will be more than 5 things...and not in any particular order as today I just don't have the energy!) Here we go! 1. The history! It literally can be seen everywhere! From the old building structures to displayed artefacts, there are signs of England's history and culture everywhere! I can't wait to see more! 2. Believe it or not, the food! I have tried so many amazing different foods from different cultures that I have become quite fond of! 3. On the few days that there is sun shining brilliantly in the sky (especially in the spring), the colours here are the most brilliant and vivid I think I have ever seen! It is absolutely fantastic and t takes your breath away! 4. Let's talk affordable amazing wine!....Enough said! 5. Let's talk affordable amazing beer...Enough said! 6. Travel ...
A woman on a mission with purpose and passion. I love business, Sales, Marketing, Travelling, family friends, my dog Mack and living life to the fullest!