I've been looking quite a bit at Tumblr today and I really like all the features it is offering in one blog.
I'm also thinking of doing it as something that I can post for everyone to see. (I don't tell many about this blog as it was invented mostly to help me grow and heal from my previous divorce and maybe be a comfort for others possibly going through the same situation. Basically, if your on this and read it, count yourself blessed because I don't share this with everyone, I selected people I felt comfortable viewing this!).
I'm not ashamed of this blog, but rather thinking that maybe I'm ready to move from it into a different chapter in life that needs to positively and creatively re-enforce the positive things I have going on in my world. I may just keep it when I need to write out things as this is a little bit more of a formal blog...I haven't decided if I'm going to delete it or keep it on the side, so I'll leave it for the time being.
The followers on this site are on my facebook page anyways. So no worries! You will get an invite to it! Let me know what you think! :)
So, I haven't had anything going on which has been the reason for no new updating posts, but I have been contemplating things that I want to do before I leave the states and start my new adventure! (Plus, I want something to talk about!!) So one mini-venture I thought I would get started is maybe (and I KNOW this is cliche'!): Losing a few pounds! (I just heard a million sighs and groans! LOL!) I have gained a little in the last couple months because of my food intake and well, I NEED to fit into that wedding dress! So, I'm praying to lose at least 5 pounds in the next 2 months (if not quicker!) and 10-15 by the time we do our honeymoon! SO, wish me luck and I will keep you updated on the progress! (This officially starts tomorrow by the way!) The 2nd idea I had was to start some sort of video blog to post to this as well just for fun or to show surroundings, etc! I was working on the idea tonight, but couldn't figure out how to work my hp mediasmart programs! LOL! ...