For once, I would just love something to go smooth and easy! I'm really struggling this year and it would just be so amazing for life to just throw us a little bone once in a while you know?
This week has really hit hard for me. For the last 3 weeks I have been a bit ill with stomach issues and such, to top it, started having massive anxiety issues to boot due to everything going on around me. (You wouldn't think that I would feel this way directly AFTER a vacation, but truth be told, I wasn't feeling well over the vacation either!) I've had other developing situations occur creating more stress and tension and the ONE thing I was hoping to just fall in place was find a new place to live!
Dave and I had dilligently been looking every day for a new home as we have to be out of ours the last day of July. We had 3 amazing houses picked out to make offers on (obviously the we had an order of what we wanted), today, we LOST ALL THREE choices! I'm absolutely gutted! I REALLY was excited about our first choice and was so sure we would be able to get it! But as of today, we are back on the search for a new home again. We found a few more that we thought were nice, but nothing like what was originally found. I'm finding myself a bit worried that we will end up in a place we don't really like, or a not so good area of town due to the fact of how soon we need to be out of our current apartment. I don't really think that will be the case, But please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
I know I tend to stress and worry and I need to not over-think and worry about this current situation. I think it's just tough because a lot of this I have to deal with alone with my husband traveling Monday-Friday afternoon with work (it's a lot of time to be alone with no friends to chat with and relieve stress and tension.) Maybe it's time I find something hobby-wise to engross myself in....I don't know.
Really, I just need this week to be done and over with! Breath in...Breath out! :)
Love you all and hope things are well with you!
So, I haven't had anything going on which has been the reason for no new updating posts, but I have been contemplating things that I want to do before I leave the states and start my new adventure! (Plus, I want something to talk about!!) So one mini-venture I thought I would get started is maybe (and I KNOW this is cliche'!): Losing a few pounds! (I just heard a million sighs and groans! LOL!) I have gained a little in the last couple months because of my food intake and well, I NEED to fit into that wedding dress! So, I'm praying to lose at least 5 pounds in the next 2 months (if not quicker!) and 10-15 by the time we do our honeymoon! SO, wish me luck and I will keep you updated on the progress! (This officially starts tomorrow by the way!) The 2nd idea I had was to start some sort of video blog to post to this as well just for fun or to show surroundings, etc! I was working on the idea tonight, but couldn't figure out how to work my hp mediasmart programs! LOL! ...