The weather is miserable today. It's raining, cold and frigid. I think we completely walked from Spring to Autumn this year with little teases of sun to keep us from going insane. The rain has been drizzling, it's been dark all day and here I am, snuggled up on my comfy reading chair with not one but 3 blankets draped over me! (It's cold!) and the heater working it's magic to add some comfort. I look over to my right and there stretched out on the couch is my husband with his laptop looking up car parts for our ever needing BMW.
Despite the cold, the rain and three blankets, today I have felt the most content I think I have felt in a long time. Life is what is needs to be right now. Nothing is perfect but I have everything I need. Despite the weather, I've been looking forward to the changing colors of Autumn and the life changes that can come with it. It's like a new season can breath in a little new life sometimes you know? I love fall and I've been excited for all the "comforts" that come with it. Perhaps the change in weather, life, etc. will continue to spark those neccessary and positive changes in me. I just have a festive and warm feeling that I haven't felt in a long time and I hope it stays.
In the meanwhile, I've decided I will be putting together a list of fun, festive things I need to do for myself and with the man this fall! I usually do this every year to some extent, but it hit me the other day that there is a lot of things we (as in the US) do that isn't done here in the UK and vice versa. So I intend on experiencing some fun things and vice versa hope to contribute some of our fun things! Feel free to add suggestions when I post my ideas later! :)
Till then, I hope that Autumn brings some wonderful things and changes for you all as well!
Live, Laugh, Love.
So, I haven't had anything going on which has been the reason for no new updating posts, but I have been contemplating things that I want to do before I leave the states and start my new adventure! (Plus, I want something to talk about!!) So one mini-venture I thought I would get started is maybe (and I KNOW this is cliche'!): Losing a few pounds! (I just heard a million sighs and groans! LOL!) I have gained a little in the last couple months because of my food intake and well, I NEED to fit into that wedding dress! So, I'm praying to lose at least 5 pounds in the next 2 months (if not quicker!) and 10-15 by the time we do our honeymoon! SO, wish me luck and I will keep you updated on the progress! (This officially starts tomorrow by the way!) The 2nd idea I had was to start some sort of video blog to post to this as well just for fun or to show surroundings, etc! I was working on the idea tonight, but couldn't figure out how to work my hp mediasmart programs! LOL! ...