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More Changes...New Life Chapter Maybe??

It's been too long since I have had a chance to jump on here and update the world on the never ending saga's of this "One Woman Circus"! Apologies if anyone missed me! So what is going on!? Let me tell you! November 5th I lost my job due to just hardships on the company. There were ups and downs anyways, but it was sad. This company had been my family for over the past year. We all keep in touch on Facebook and phone, which I really appreciate! Unfortionately, I haven't been able to find a new replacement family yet. Honestly, I've put out loads of applications with no contact back except one (which is a first for me! I never thought I would ever be in that sort of position!) The one that has shown interest though is a VERY interesting job as a sort of "assistant to the assistant" sort of thing! The lady that I would work for (if I get the job) is really lovely! She is very open and easy to talk to and honestly, someone I would love to learn and grow under! It's an intimidating position and will be a lot of work, but I'm up to the challange and the growth opportunities that it can also provide! I have done 1 interview with a job center to get the next 3 interviews with the company, so as you can see, it's not your run of the mill general job. Have you ever had the feeling that you are supposed to be more than what you are being at the moment? Like you were meant for "bigger things"? I do, I have even had people tell me this! My last boss told me I was bigger than what they could offer me! Ultimately, I believe there is a reason for everything and I'm hoping that this job opportunity is something that will allow me to become that "bigger me" and I also know that on a more grand scale, will help someone else do soo much more for this world than what I can do on my own! It's a big opportunity and I'm honored to be considered to be a part of it! So, say a prayer for me! :) Aside from that, this time home alone has really forced me to come to terms and realizations of myself that needed to happen. I thought I had done so well putting things in the past, then realized, I didn't actually deal with the situations to put them in the past, I just swept the issues to the side and hoped they would eventually fade away. I was asked in an interview why so many job changes in my past and was it due to being lost. I don't know why, but this question REALLY threw me! I first thought "What does she mean am I lost?! Of course I'm not lost! Wait...AM I lost!?" I came to an eye opening realization that in a sense, I WAS really lost! You see, I spent soo much time trying to live up to someone else's demands of who I needed to be in order to fit in their perfect dream world, that I lost site of me and what I love to be for me! I wasn't doing what I loved at all! So, I've really been trying to find who I am and build my confidence in the new found me! It's difficult, but an amazing journey to self discovery I have been on in the last couple weeks! What makes it even more fantastic is having a wonderful, supportive husband who is ok with me having this journey and just wants me to be happy and find my space in this world! He says no matter what the outcome, he will always be proud and supportive! I'm so blessed to have someone who is proud of me and being with me no matter what! I've come such a long ways in the last couple years! I really like this new me that is developing! :) I have also started to make a base group of friends that I REALLY enjoy spending time with! It's the first time I can be a part of a group much like the one I had at home! We talk for hours, laugh and just enjoy being together! I have REALLY been missing that as I feel like most of my interactions have been more revolved around drinking vs. socializing. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind having a few drinks, but that was the focus of the get together, not socializing. I really needed that mental stimulation that this group offers! This group also brings me back to my more spiritual roots, which I've felt pretty empty without for the last 2 years. You know how they say you need to have a life balance? (A balance of work, home life and spiritual life, etc.) For the first time in a long time, I feel like these puzzle peices are starting to come together! This new chapter is looking to maybe bring a lot of exciting things to my life. Whether or not a new is involved, I'm really hopeful of bigger and better things in my future! :) Live, Laugh, Love!


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