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My Top 5 "Things From Home I Miss"

One of the top things I think I am asked over here in England (aside from "why the heck would you choose to come here!?"...It's a smaller town I'm in...) is: "What do you miss the most from back home?" It's a good and fair question I think! I've put quite a bit of thought into this question as well and have come up with the top 5 things I miss about home. Truth is, I've learned to adapt and become content in pretty much any situation. But just because I'm content doesn't mean there isn't a thing or two to be missed about my homeland! So, without further ado, here it is: 5. It's silly, but I'm going to throw it out there. Certain foods and restaurants. You can not get snow crab legs here at all and I ADORE snow crab! You can by King Crab for a ghastly amount and it's not the easiest to come by...But it's no comparison. Same goes for restaurants like Texas Road House. BUT I have a real new found love for Indian food and have to confess that I've become like Betty Crocker since I've moved here! I can imitate most of what I crave, so that helps! 4. SUMMER and SUN!! I do miss the warmth, my summer clothes, outdoor activities like white water rafting, floating the Boise River, camping, hiking and the many fairs that Boise would hold every year from the Western Idaho Fair to the Hyde Park Street Fair and Art in the Park! People complain that there was never anything to do there. I say there is, you just have to have a good imagination and know where to look! Where I live now, weather is not great. It's hard to go from a lot of outdoor activity and sun and warmth to chilly, rainy and gray all the time. (A magnificent plus though, when the sun IS out here, it is GORGEOUS! The colors are bright and vivid and absolutely breath taking!) 3. I miss my "special place" where I would go to get away from the muck of the world. If I was ever feeling over whelmed and like I was going to lose it, I would go to place close to Table Rock where I could park up and over look the whole city night or day. The view was both humbling and amazing! I think it would put in perspective that compared to this city I was looking down upon with thousands of people living it it, me and my issues were quite small and would pass. I could re-gain sanity and face the world again with new hope and courage. I haven't found a place like that here just yet. 2. I miss all my friends back at home and my social life! I had a really good solid group of friends that I felt really understood me (or were just really open minded gracious with me!) and was constantly busy withsomething to do! I have a lot of great memories and can just only hope to continue to be lucky enough to build a great group of friends here and get more actively involved in things here in England like I did at home! 1. I would be lying if I said that I didn't miss seeing my family or even just being able to pick up a telephone whenever I wanted and having a chat with them without it costing me my first born child. (Much like how much they charge us all for gas...Hhhmm...) Don't get me wrong, Skype is a wonderful invention and you take what you can get, even if it's a horrible connection. It's better than nothing, but being able to see them would be the best! Especially around the holidays, that does make me a bit more homesick for traditional things. There you have it! Once in a while I will have little "twinges" of other things I miss or things that make me go "ohh! I kinda miss that!", but I would still say the above list is my top 5. Before you jump to any conclusions, I'm not at all complaining and saying I hate where I live. In fact, I quite love it here! Like all moving experiences, it takes time to adjust and settle, which I feel like I have done well! I'm just really starting my discovery journey about the ways the England can and is fulfilling my personal likes and needs! My next post will highlight the things I love about England because that is another question I am asked a lot over here! I hope you enjoyed this list! If your an expat here, or anywhere! Feel free to share your feelings, experience, knowledge! I would love to hear and learn! Till next time... Live, Laugh, Love!


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