"This year I'm going to establish a New Years Resolution I KNOW I can stick to: I vow to gain ten pounds, spend in excess more than I could ever bring in, smoke a thousand cigarettes a day, and spend more time than healthy on facebook" (Not sure who wrote this, but it cracked me up!) How true is this statement when you think of it?? That's what seems to happen though, we make all these high-expectation promises of what we will accomplish then do the exact opposite. It's almost like a set up for failure!
For that reason alone I decided this year I'm not going to make a resolution. The reason for it, I put so much pressure on myself and end up failing, so instead, I choose to keep myself open to learning and gaining new experiences and just a continuation of growth. Life has enough pressure on me as is without me putting a ton more on myself! That's not to say that it isn't a good thing to set high goals to achieve, but why only set that goal once a year? Why not make it a continuous growth throughout the whole year? So, that's my plan! I will set goals, but they will not be once a year goals but a growth process!
But since we are on the discussion of goals and in terms of trying to jump back on the band wagon of losing weight, I found this website that is "supposed" to help you determine what your daily calorie intake should be over the amount of days/weeks/months you are trying to lose the weight in:
I filled out the info on my weight, height, and activity level and it came out with an exact calorie intake that you should be doing each week in order to lose weight (again for your activity level). I went as "light" in my activity level because honestly, that's what it will probably be till I get to England and join a gym. So, after filling out the info, I clicked calculate and got a table of how many calories to consume each week and then I'm guessing the rough progression of what your weight should go to each week.
Mine seems a little low considering that the last week it sits around 1,160 calories but again, I had it on light which I think I will change that once I get my gym membership and am in my own place where I'm doing all the cleaning and cooking and having to walk places (can't drive there right away) and so forth. But for the next few weeks, I will be making it my goal to keep to the calorie numbers as well as doing my workouts (I think today or tomorrow I will start the Bikini Boot camp!) Really excited about it! emoticon
Ultimately, my goal is to hopefully go from 141lbs to 125-127 by the beginning of April, for my honeymoon (I also want to be able to fit in the wedding dress I bought as well!) so hopefully this will motivate me, or at least give me some sort of exact direction to go that will actually help!! (Fingers crossed!) I hate counting calories though, so that's not going to be fun for me, I guess I need to plan out my food intake a little better so to avoid pit falls! I'll let you all know how it goes and feel free to check out the site I posted and give your thoughts!
In other life news, there is no news...Still anxiously waiting. This Monday is the start of week 8 and I'm really hoping that this week will be the week I hear of news. I tried to look on the Embassy's website to see if they were closed tomorrow or not, but they haven't updated any information on holidays since last year, but I'm guessing they are. I'll keep you guys posted!
Here's to a new year and a new us!!
Live, Laugh, Love.