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Showing posts from December, 2012

Things I love About My New Home!

Right! So last post I told you the top 5 things I loved/missed in the U.S. today, I feel that it is a great time to tell you about all the things I love about my new home! (It will be more than 5 things...and not in any particular order as today I just don't have the energy!) Here we go! 1. The history! It literally can be seen everywhere! From the old building structures to displayed artefacts, there are signs of England's history and culture everywhere! I can't wait to see more! 2. Believe it or not, the food! I have tried so many amazing different foods from different cultures that I have become quite fond of! 3. On the few days that there is sun shining brilliantly in the sky (especially in the spring), the colours here are the most brilliant and vivid I think I have ever seen! It is absolutely fantastic and t takes your breath away! 4. Let's talk affordable amazing wine!....Enough said! 5. Let's talk affordable amazing beer...Enough said! 6. Travel

My Top 5 "Things From Home I Miss"

One of the top things I think I am asked over here in England (aside from "why the heck would you choose to come here!?"...It's a smaller town I'm in...) is: "What do you miss the most from back home?" It's a good and fair question I think! I've put quite a bit of thought into this question as well and have come up with the top 5 things I miss about home. Truth is, I've learned to adapt and become content in pretty much any situation. But just because I'm content doesn't mean there isn't a thing or two to be missed about my homeland! So, without further ado, here it is: 5. It's silly, but I'm going to throw it out there. Certain foods and restaurants. You can not get snow crab legs here at all and I ADORE snow crab! You can by King Crab for a ghastly amount and it's not the easiest to come by...But it's no comparison. Same goes for restaurants like Texas Road House. BUT I have a real new found love for Indian food a


I was trying really hard to get myself to fall a sleep at a decent hour. The problem with not working is that it screws with my daily structured routine. Instead of sleeping at an earlier time at night so that I can get up at an earlier time in the morning, I end up burning the midnight oil, then wondering why it's so difficult to pull my ragged body out of the bed in the morning. But tonight, like so many night recently, I lay here tossing and turning and all alone with my relentless thoughts. Restless. I've gotten really good at being able to deal with my inner voice and basically tell it to shut up, but these days it works in overdrive to try to remind me of every embarrassing and regretful thing I have done. Tonight is of no exception. It jumps back and forth from: "why couldn't I have gotten this job? What did I do wrong? What did I do right?!" to "How are we going to afford to move? How are we going to pay our bills??"... It used to be that one

The Stress Diet...

Oh what a season of life! I am def. over it and ready for my new chapter to hit! I try really hard to stay positive on this site, but I guess in hindsite, it's really here for you to see what's really going on in my rosie world huh? I've been trying to darndest to keep everything together, stay positive, stay sane, not worry about tomorrow and ultimately trust that God will provide what's needed when it's needed. So far, I have to admit he's been faithful to me. We've had little unexpected breaks come up which help so much! Hubby has been working so hard and has been so stressed as well, I need to remember to really reward his hard work when better times come! He really deserves it! I'm just so grateful for his amazing heart! He continually steps up to the plate and shows what a man should be for his family! I'm so lucky to have him! I know I've been a bit moody and tempermental, dealing with the stress of a job loss, financial hardships, we are

Stuck in Limbo

Patience is something that I practice all the time, but in all honestly, I've never gotten good at. I find that after years of working on becoming more patient, I've just become a bit more frustrated and grumpy. Things sometimes don't move quick enough for me and sometimes that's ok, a lot of times, it makes me winge a little bit before I move forward. This is a bit of how I am feeling today. I've applied for countless numbers of jobs and it never ceases to amaze me that I've only been called to interview for ONE job! Not that I'm underminding that one job I have had interviews for. I think among all the the jobs I have applied for, this one is the most interesting and diverse I have ever had the privilage of being considered for. I also think it would be a great job and person to work for! It would be for a wealthy business man and his PA. He used to own a massive business (and market really for his trade), has sold it and now spends a lot of time doing ch

More Changes...New Life Chapter Maybe??

It's been too long since I have had a chance to jump on here and update the world on the never ending saga's of this "One Woman Circus"! Apologies if anyone missed me! So what is going on!? Let me tell you! November 5th I lost my job due to just hardships on the company. There were ups and downs anyways, but it was sad. This company had been my family for over the past year. We all keep in touch on Facebook and phone, which I really appreciate! Unfortionately, I haven't been able to find a new replacement family yet. Honestly, I've put out loads of applications with no contact back except one (which is a first for me! I never thought I would ever be in that sort of position!) The one that has shown interest though is a VERY interesting job as a sort of "assistant to the assistant" sort of thing! The lady that I would work for (if I get the job) is really lovely! She is very open and easy to talk to and honestly, someone I would love to learn and gr