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A Successful Weekend I Think!

Very exciting times! I GOT THE JOB and couldn't be more excited to get started!!(Is it sick and wrong to say that about work!?) I had manage to get through all my interviews with the company and apparently I made enough of an impression to be offered the job last Thursday! Whoo hoo!! I am a mixture of excited, anxious, nervous, scared, ready, hopeful...The list truly does go on depending on the day! But I think this is a good step to making my daily life something closer to a "norm". Perhaps a challenge and a nice set routine giving me some purpose is just what I need! Life will definitely be much easier with the additional income to work with.

This weekend was also my first weekend with the step-daughters and I think it went well! I enjoyed having them and I think they had fun hanging out with me. It was a really important step to building our relationship. We played games, went shopping, watched movies, did some more shopping (I put these girls up with the best of shoppers! Whoo! I was worn out from all the walking!), etc. There was a lot of teasing back and forth (the youngest had found a movie at the store called "My Step-Mother is an Alien" and that was the running joke for the rest of the weekend! LOL!) I've been extremely worried that they wouldn't have a good time and that they wouldn't want to come back, but I think they really did have fun! My in-laws also told me that they had never seen them so happy about visiting and staying here before. That was VERY comforting to hear! I really enjoyed having them around! (Never a dull moment, TRUST ME! LOL!)

It's still a bit trying here, I'm learning and growing more confident every day and facing my fears. Sometimes I wish I were back home where life is more familiar, but then, I've always loved an adventure and a chance to learn and grow. This weekend was another one of those tests I think I passed with flying colors...

All in all, I think we can chalk up this weekend as a win eh?


Anonymous said…
Yes! A total win. :)

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