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Finally Moving Forward!

I FINALLY received my passport back! (Yay!) It came via a jolting knock to my front door at 8a.m. (and scared the crap out of me frankly! LOL!) So, looking like hell, I drag myself out of bed and answer the door to a mail man that startled and kind of chuckled at me and had me sign for the package! LOL! I felt bad for him, no one should have seen me this morning at 8! (I think all the stressing out is taking it's toll on my physical appearance! Dark circles around the eyes, broken out skin, etc.) BUT at least I got my passport! (Whoot whoot!) I can now go to my marriage visa appointment on Monday! (Keep your fingers crossed for me because I will then be able to start job hunting...which brings me to my next topic....)

I haven't heard from the company I have been conversing with for the last 8 months. I'm starting to think I've lost that job opportunity which I'm feeling indifferent about at this time. I don't blame them for moving forward as it's not personal, it's business. I'm just at a loss for what I really want to do with my life and career! See, what I've really wanted it to do more creative Marketing/PR, Media, etc. or talent kind of work. I'm kicking myself because back in Boise, I had a chance to Intern with a friend at the Quest Arena to book in talents (bands, speakers, comedians, etc.) and do all the work that goes with it (like advertising their appearances and catering to the talents, etc.) the reason I turned it down was because of pay (or lack thereof), I was with my ex at the time and he stated the importance of having a good paying job because of our financial state (which my fault, I was not actively helping in so I didn't know what our situation was!) So I let it go! I REALLY wanted it though! Social networking (like online) sounds interesting...But something in the realm of more PR and media and maybe not so much "car sales" type of positions are what I find interesting!

Something else that came to my attention was a Movie Shooting ad that specifically needs American extras for the Zombie film World War Z (For those not familiar with that title, it's part of the books series of The Zombie Survival Guide which looks interesting! They start casting in May and are looking to shoot between July and November. What cracks me up is that the shoot is in London, but the setting of the movie is to be in Phili and New Jersey! The company that is hiring is a pretty big company here! They have done MANY major movies in their time like the recent Robin Hood, Bridget Jones Diary, Harry Potter Movies, Pirates of the Caribbean, etc. (HUGE list! I could go on forever!) Here's the company site! It would be cool to do it because maybe I could then use my singing talents and move into some voice over opportunities, ect. What do you guys think? Dave says I should consider it. The worry is the need for a full time job though! We need the money desperately which has higher priority. I don't know. But it looks cool!

So, I sit here now pouring over job opportunities on Monster hoping to find something that I can love doing and wishing I could catch a break! Feel free to offer me any advice! I could sure use some direction! It's hard figuring out what you want to do when you grow up!

Live, Laugh, Love


Anonymous said…
Audition! You have time now and a great opportunity. You never know what will happen if you don't just go for it. Book an audition and in the mean time keep looking for jobs. Something will come up.

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