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"The Lead of Love"...

"Looking back at the road so far The journey's left it's share of scars.
Mostly from leaving the narrow and straight. Looking back it is clear to me,
that a man is more than the sum of his deeds, And how you make good of this mess I've made is a profound mystery.

Looking back you know you had to bring me through all that I was so afraid of though I questioned the sky now I see why...Had to walk the rocks to see the mountain view looking back I see the lead of love

Looking back I can finally see how failures bring humility(I'd rather have wisdom and pain) Brings me to my knees (Than be a comfortable old fool)Helps me see my need for thee..." - "The Lead of Love" from Caedmon's Call.

I have really been working on putting the pieces of my life back together and I think that one of the things that have been missing in my life is my spiritual growth. It's something I've been thinking and missing for some time now and think that maybe it's time to go back to my roots.

I have always loved the song I put above, it always brings me back to just a complete state of wonder and humility at how amazing God really is. It really sums up so much of what my life has been like and looking at where it has brought me. My favorite line: "how you make good of this mess I've made is a profound mystery." I look back at the mistakes I have made, even how God has had a hand in the more tragic events of my life (like my divorce) and even when I had turned away from everything I had known and believed and from him, he allowed me to find love and happiness with an amazing man!

Dave and I have been looking for a church to call "home". I have just really felt like this is the one thing that has been missing from my life over the last couple months and though I don't feel like the church we went to is "the one" it felt really good to sing and take in what the teacher had to say (the normal pastor was out). Funny enough, it was his sermon that lead me to the song I posted above. He had talked about the cycle of turning away from God, then God letting the bad things happen and using it to bring them back. But it was also noted vice versa how God has used even the bad thing and turned them into something wonderful. It just had me thinking. I think this chapter of my life is still just getting started and I'm really excited for the things that are to come.

The journey yet goes on!

Live, Laugh, Love.


Megan said…
Good for you! I seriously doubt I would be able to survive my day to day life without my small group and church. When we are on vacation or unable to attend church for some other reason, I can definitely tell!! Hope you guys find a church you love soon!!

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