You know those seasons where everything gets just a little dramatic (and it seems to come usually around this time of year). Not sure if it's because we are all soo stir crazy that we just let it all out (the good and the bad) when we are finally able to join the world from months of snow, gloom and gray. It's like our final send off to the darker days and with it, the last (and perhaps most fowl) of our moods as well.
I sure feel like I've got it coming from many corners and my mood has been a little less than desirable. I admit it. I'm trying hard to improve and be positive (as you have seen in last posts) but sometimes it's really hard to do when it just keeps pouring on you. The storm will pass, it's just surviving it's down pour first that is important and coming out feeling like you said and did everything you needed to. This is where I'm at today.
My storm comes in flashes of rejected passport pictures, rescheduling visa processes that I so desperately need to get a job that I need even more! Things are getting tight and stressful and it's hard to get knocked back every step you take. I hope that eventually that mess will sort itself out.
Other stresses have forced me to take a stand for myself and evaluate who I want and don't want in my life. I think I'm at the point of where I find out who my real friends are and who the people are that really care about me and vice versa. This whole moving and settling thing has been a lot harder than I anticipated...You know, the hard but necessary changes in life!
I have every confident that everything will end up just the way they need to be! For now, I will enjoy the sunshine in my life!
Live, Laugh, Love.
I sure feel like I've got it coming from many corners and my mood has been a little less than desirable. I admit it. I'm trying hard to improve and be positive (as you have seen in last posts) but sometimes it's really hard to do when it just keeps pouring on you. The storm will pass, it's just surviving it's down pour first that is important and coming out feeling like you said and did everything you needed to. This is where I'm at today.
My storm comes in flashes of rejected passport pictures, rescheduling visa processes that I so desperately need to get a job that I need even more! Things are getting tight and stressful and it's hard to get knocked back every step you take. I hope that eventually that mess will sort itself out.
Other stresses have forced me to take a stand for myself and evaluate who I want and don't want in my life. I think I'm at the point of where I find out who my real friends are and who the people are that really care about me and vice versa. This whole moving and settling thing has been a lot harder than I anticipated...You know, the hard but necessary changes in life!
I have every confident that everything will end up just the way they need to be! For now, I will enjoy the sunshine in my life!
Live, Laugh, Love.