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In Less than One Week...

In less than a week I will officially be married!

I'm soo excited and anxious! So the agenda is to go to the ceremony, which starts at 11:30 then right after we are going to take everyone to a nice formal lunch with fantastic food, drinks and dessert! (There is 11 of us total) I'm going to wear my wedding dress to the ceremony and then I have a more casual dress that I'm going to wear afterward for the formal lunch!

We have music and flowers and cute little decorated room where the ceremony will take place! My fiancee has been so supportive in helping with all the planning and preparing and it's just been a really fantastic experience so I hope the ceremony will go just as good! (Fingers crossed!) And yes, hopefully people will take PLENTY of pictures for us!

So, this week has been spent doing the last minute errands needed to be ready for the wedding and I REALLY hope it goes smooth! :) Keep me in your thoughts and prayers!

Live, Laugh, Love!


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