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Either Homesick or Lonely...Can't Decide...

So today has left me full of mixed emotions. The workout at the gym and the sunny warm walk home was definitely a mood-booster! I was grateful for the break from the freezing cold, cloudy, dreary, rainy weather. But as the day moves on, from my apartment window I can see the neighbors walking by with there family, friends and loved ones and it makes me sad. It made me homesick for my family and miss my friends. That's where I realized that maybe I was more lonely than I thought.

I knew that this move was going to mean a lot of change and adjustment and until I'm able to work, my fiancee has to work, so it means he's gone the better part of the week sleeping in his truck. We've talked about him going back into real estate again after I start working. Ultimately, I want to see him doing something he loves and enjoying the rest of his working life. So, we will see what the future will bring! But I miss him a lot when he's gone and hope to have him home every night soon. :)

I also think what I need to do is just step out of my comfort zone a little more and seek to meet people whether it's here in the apartment complex or maybe even at the gym. But I'm hopeful! I think the more I get involved in the culture and such, the better the situation will become.

Bright news would be that Staples still seems interested in having me come interview when I'm legally able to, so that's exciting! My wedding dress is here also and fits PERFECTLY! :) I'm so excited about the fit and everything! It's absolutely stunning! I should also be getting my stuff from the movers soon as well! It will be nice to be surrounded by some of my things! So cross your fingers for a call to set up delivery (as I know it's here in England now!) I'm also working out daily at a fantastic gym that I got signed up for last week and I've been doing the P90X workouts (I do 4 days at the gym then the last two at home, but I go to the gym for cardio and the hot tub! :) I'll document the results as I see them and let you know what I think of the workout as I go!

Alrighty! Time for some well needed sleep! I hope you all have a wonderful day! Remember not to take anything for granted! You never know what it meant to you till it's gone!

Live, Laugh, Love!


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