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Showing posts from March, 2011

Facing Fears Head On

We all get scared from time to time. It's not unusual, it's not a feeling only subjected to specific individuals, it can influence anyone. The trick is to admit your scared, figure out why, and face it straight on. I think this is something that I've been facing daily since my divorce (and definitely before but it's been more prominently noticeable since my divorce), back then it was "how will I do this on my own?", "will anyone ever love me or am I even capable of loving someone back?" and maybe the funniest of the bunch: "Am I going to become one of those 'spinsters' with 20 cats?!!?" (I don't even really like cats that much! LOL! I much prefer a dog!) But I think this experience here has been the scariest of all experiences. These are new fears like fitting in, adjusting to the culture, acceptance, being able to work and make a good living, driving, etc. It plays on my mind everyday. I know I can do this, I know that 6 mo

Sometimes it all can be just a little too much!

You know those seasons where everything gets just a little dramatic (and it seems to come usually around this time of year). Not sure if it's because we are all soo stir crazy that we just let it all out (the good and the bad) when we are finally able to join the world from months of snow, gloom and gray. It's like our final send off to the darker days and with it, the last (and perhaps most fowl) of our moods as well. I sure feel like I've got it coming from many corners and my mood has been a little less than desirable. I admit it. I'm trying hard to improve and be positive (as you have seen in last posts) but sometimes it's really hard to do when it just keeps pouring on you. The storm will pass, it's just surviving it's down pour first that is important and coming out feeling like you said and did everything you needed to. This is where I'm at today. My storm comes in flashes of rejected passport pictures, rescheduling visa processes that I so d

The problem with Spending too much time alone

Is that it get's you THINKING too much! (Which can be a good or a bad thing!)In my case, I've let it stew out negativity, fear and self-pity for a little too long now. Surprisingly, right now (at this very moment) I am pretty upbeat. I have decided to put my proverbial "big girl panties" on and face the new world with the idea that I am good just the way I am and you can love me or hate me for it! I shouldn't be ashamed of who I am and there is a balance of being respectful to other people, cultures, etc. without losing myself. Lately, I've spent far too much time moping around, creating needless (and frankly worthless) insecurities and feeling sorry for myself and consistently re-analyzing my decisions. I've been holding on to the past so tightly that it's been keeping me from being able to move on with my future and open myself to the endless opportunities I could be experiencing. It's time to thank the past for making me who I am today and boldl