We all get scared from time to time. It's not unusual, it's not a feeling only subjected to specific individuals, it can influence anyone. The trick is to admit your scared, figure out why, and face it straight on. I think this is something that I've been facing daily since my divorce (and definitely before but it's been more prominently noticeable since my divorce), back then it was "how will I do this on my own?", "will anyone ever love me or am I even capable of loving someone back?" and maybe the funniest of the bunch: "Am I going to become one of those 'spinsters' with 20 cats?!!?" (I don't even really like cats that much! LOL! I much prefer a dog!) But I think this experience here has been the scariest of all experiences. These are new fears like fitting in, adjusting to the culture, acceptance, being able to work and make a good living, driving, etc. It plays on my mind everyday. I know I can do this, I know that 6 mo...
A woman on a mission with purpose and passion. I love business, Sales, Marketing, Travelling, family friends, my dog Mack and living life to the fullest!