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Showing posts from February, 2011

The Need to Fit in...Who am I?!?

So I've been here now for a month and a half and bless hubbies heart he has dealt with my bi-polar tendencies like a pro! I have had days where I'm fantastic and days where I'm depressed and not wanting to get out of bed. I've laughed with him, cried and snipped at him and not a single time does that amazing man ever complain or bash me or walk away. How did I get soo lucky!! (LOVE THAT MAN!) But seriously, it's been a roller coaster of emotions for me. I thought that it would be so easy to fit in and make friends and continue life with some ease but instead I've been a huge container of mixed emotions and depending on what emotional ingredient I put in that day out comes the special flavor of Amber (again, hence the name "one-woman Circus"! LOL!)...and some days aren't as tasty as others! But surprisingly, there have been a lot things about me that I was so sure of that I just don't know of anymore! I never called myself shy, and here I find

Our Wedding Promises and Poetry...

Our Wedding Promises: (name), I promise to trust you and honor you I will laugh with you and cry with you I will love you faithfully Through the best and worst Through the difficult and the easy What may come I promise that I will always be there As I give you my hand to hold. So I give you my whole heart forever. Wedding Poetry: By Steven Curtis Chapman: “I Will Be Here” If in the morning when you wake, If the sun does not appear, I will be here. If in the dark we lose sight of love, Hold my hand and have no fear, I will be here. I will be here, When you feel like being quiet, When you need to speak your mind I will listen. Through the winning, losing, and trying we'll be together, And I will be here. If in the morning when you wake, If the future is unclear, I will be here. As sure as seasons were made for change, Our lifetimes were made for years, I will be here. I will be here, And you can cry on my shoulder, When the mirror tells us we'r

I'm Officially Married!!

Phew! What a wonderful past week! My heart is glowing and there's a permanent grin on my face today! I can't remember what I've posted in the past (I didn't look) so I will start with last Friday! Logically, I've been itching to make some friends and Friday night the one girl friend that I have right now invited me to go out with her and two others for a night in the town! Though they said it wasn't the best of all nights out there, I had a great time! One, because I was out with people and not alone! Two, because it was interesting to view the people and get a sense of things and so forth. It was just refreshing to get out and feel a part of something! Our wedding ceremony went great! Before the ceremony, we invited everyone over to the apartment for mimosa's (I didn't have any, I was too busy running around trying to get ready!) then we went off the the registrar office to have the ceremony, which I thought for a small short ceremony that it went

In Less than One Week...

In less than a week I will officially be married! I'm soo excited and anxious! So the agenda is to go to the ceremony, which starts at 11:30 then right after we are going to take everyone to a nice formal lunch with fantastic food, drinks and dessert! (There is 11 of us total) I'm going to wear my wedding dress to the ceremony and then I have a more casual dress that I'm going to wear afterward for the formal lunch! We have music and flowers and cute little decorated room where the ceremony will take place! My fiancee has been so supportive in helping with all the planning and preparing and it's just been a really fantastic experience so I hope the ceremony will go just as good! (Fingers crossed!) And yes, hopefully people will take PLENTY of pictures for us! So, this week has been spent doing the last minute errands needed to be ready for the wedding and I REALLY hope it goes smooth! :) Keep me in your thoughts and prayers! Live, Laugh, Love!

Either Homesick or Lonely...Can't Decide...

So today has left me full of mixed emotions. The workout at the gym and the sunny warm walk home was definitely a mood-booster! I was grateful for the break from the freezing cold, cloudy, dreary, rainy weather. But as the day moves on, from my apartment window I can see the neighbors walking by with there family, friends and loved ones and it makes me sad. It made me homesick for my family and miss my friends. That's where I realized that maybe I was more lonely than I thought. I knew that this move was going to mean a lot of change and adjustment and until I'm able to work, my fiancee has to work, so it means he's gone the better part of the week sleeping in his truck. We've talked about him going back into real estate again after I start working. Ultimately, I want to see him doing something he loves and enjoying the rest of his working life. So, we will see what the future will bring! But I miss him a lot when he's gone and hope to have him home every night so