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Mi Swing Es Tropical...Part 1

In reference to the header of this post, the song it amazing by the way! It's a fun song! Just thought it was important enough to be noted...

Yes my friends, my dance was tropical this past week, I went to Cancun where I was a whole different me! (Lol! Yet another dimension to my personality!) Believe it or not, this prude can be wildly crazy and fun! Behind this very polished mask is the soul of a care-free, fun and fabulous party girl! And yes...there was PLENTY of dancing.

It started off a little weird over the first couple days because it turns out the my once "single" friends decided to attach themselves right before coming to Cancun, and to make matters worse, it was the couples in "puppy love" basically they were all over each other the whole time...imagine how awkward it was for me...I was consistently the 3rd, 5th, and 7th wheel in our group...Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE the people in the group! (You guys ROCKED!) They were wild and crazy and kept things happening, the point that I'm getting at is that it was yet another reminder that I'm alone. Everything was so beautiful and the settings were very romantic so it was hard not to want to have someone there with me to experience Cancun with, and to see other people getting to have that experience was a little hard for me. So, that made it sad for a day or two...until the "Brit" (Yes, met another guy...Lol!)...

Ok...So I did get hit on quite a bit, not going to lie, which was an AWESOME ego boost for me. But none really hit me like the Brit did...So, I'll just give the run down of my week and you'll see the progression, plus get all the happenings! So, the first night I got into Cancun, I went to the hotel, checked in, took a shower and dressed up then went to a nice dinner and dancing after wards at the hotels little club (If you can call the little hole-in-the-wall that!). It was dancing at the club that first night that I first saw him. cute, charming, a little tipsy, he sat there watching my friends and I dance on the floor and we locked eyes and he continues to watch with a big grin at me the rest of the night. EVENTUALLY that night he had the guts to talk to me where we exchanged pleasantries and just casually talked...with some flirting of course! After a while of being on and off the dance floor and such, my friends wanted to leave and when I looked to see where he was, I noticed he was talking with 3 other girls...Sooo...I just assumed that he had gotten bored with me and moved on. So, without a word, I just walked out with my friends and continued our night at the outdoor bar where the Brit came to as well, but never noticed me..which was kind of the theme over the next two days. I would see him and his friend, but they never saw me, and they always seemed to have these girls in tow so I dismissed it.

During this duration (the 2 days) we went shopping, tanning on the beach, played volley ball, etc. went dancing at "Coco Bongo" which was awesome...this is where my crazy girl stage came out. I danced on a bar....I know! CRAZY! Even better...(Lol! and embarrassing enough!) I had my skirt blown up to my waste while I was ON that bar! LOL! Not my shining ADD to embarrassment, I wasn't wearing underwear...opps! I couldn't! it would have been shown in my dress!...I found out later that the Brit was invited by my friends to come to this bar with us that night...You'll understand why I make this comment later...I went scuba diving the next day which totally made me sick because the water was so choppy from an on-coming storm...but it was cool to experience the sea life! Lot's of vivid colors and fish etc...but you guys aren't reading this to hear about moving on!

So now we are at day 3 from seeing the Brit, and low and behold, I'm at the same hotel club dancing again and he spots me with a HUGE ear to ear grin...I spot him and smile and he is frantically waving me over. So I oblige, come say hi and he excitedly asks me in his cute little British accent "where have you been!? I have been looking for you for the last 2 days! You stole my heart the first night, then disappeared with it and I've been looking for you ever since!" (it was REALLY cute!) I grinned, told him that he seemed pretty preoccupied (pointing to the 3 women who were in tow.) Then he tells me "NOOOO they are just people we met on the plane here and are just friends! I would NEVER have any interest in them...besides, they like our other mates!"......

Opps! Plane is boarding! Gotta run! Will tell the rest of this story later!
(Evil to leave ya hanging...)


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