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Showing posts from October, 2012

Test Anxiety...

Tomorrow is dooms day...No not really, but it is a test day! Whoo hoo! As a part of my journey to become a UK citizen, I'm required to take a "Life in the UK" National test. This test is required for all immigrants in order to continue on with being able to stay here in the UK. No, you don't get deported right away if you fail, this is a test that just needs to be passed before you go for your Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR). If you don't have it passed by the time you go to your ILR appointment, then you worry! Fortunately for me, my ILR appointment isn't untill April of 2013. BUT I wanted to get this done and out of the way so that it's one less stressful thing to worry about! I can't imagine having to retake this test again and again, but I wanted the option there if needed. The other reason you don't want to take this test more than once: it's £50 a pop! (around $77.00!!!) Yikes!! I don't have that kind of money to waste! I'v

I Left My Pinot Grigio in the Freezer!!

Tonight was a night of studying, then relaxation and getting myself into some sort of "zen-like" mode. Thought about relaxing in the bath with a nice glass of wine, but got caught up in the movie "A Little Bit of Heaven" and decided that the bath was out. Was finishing up studying and then it hit me: I LEFT MY PINOT IN THE FREEZER!!! ((Followed by BIG MASSIVE POUT!!!)) Ha! Go Figure! The story of my life! There has been a lot going on with work, life and pending up coming events I've been trying to prepare for. This coming Friday I have to take a "Life in UK" test, which is all good and dandy. It's a pretty easy and straight forward test BUT there's just so much pressure to pass it as it's important in order to move forward with my immigration process! (Plus, it cost's £50 every time you take the stupid thing!) So, I'm hoping that first time is a charm and the test (That I have been studying for weeks now for!) will be a breez