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I Got What I Wanted...In Double!

The last couple weeks have been absolute madness for me! My week right now consists of getting up in the morning at 5:15 a.m. to get ready for work, leave the house at 6:40 a.m. so that I can get on with my hour and a half trip to the corporate office to start work at 8:30, which goes till 5:30 p.m. in which I pack up my gear and head home for another hour to hour and a half trip back home (which usually has me back home for between 7-7:30 p.m.). All in all, it makes for a REALLY long day! Talk about getting what you asked for right!?

I do like my new job though! The company treats me well, my manager is awesome, and I feel once I really get comfortable in my own skin with doing the work, I will really come to enjoy the job a lot! :) It's a lot of work to start with, but once I get caught up and settled, it's going to be fun!

By the time I hit the weekends though, I'm soo thoroughly exhausted that I just don't feel like doing anything! I know that will change when I'm not driving to corporate for training every day (which will make my days drastically shorter!) but for now, my life has taken a real social hit! (Well, the limited social life I have anyways!

More up-beat news for me is that my wonderful hubby had heard that a few of the day-shift only people have put in for retirement and my husband put in a word with the boss to see if he couldn't fill one of those positions! It's great because that means he will get to come home at night! It sucks because it means a pay drop since he's not living out on the road all week. But honestly, I would rather have the pay drop and actually get to spend more than a day and a half with my husband than to keep on the path we are on now where he's gone 5 days a week straight. So I'm praying that goes through! With me working, we will be just fine anyways.

Last news, I went last night to watch my friends daughters dance in what I thought was going to be just a cute little dance recital...Little did I know that this was going to be an fully loaded show with lights and fire and sparks and some of the most amazing dancing I've ever seen! I was extremely impressed with the production and the level of talent at this show! There were mixes of tap, river dancing, beautiful ballet, hip hop, 50's and interpretive dance. The ages ranges were from 3yrs to 40's. I felt such a thrill of excitement and longing for the days when I was performing on stage dancing and singing and acting. I really miss it! It was a good feeling to have though...kind of like an awakening! Perhaps sometime soon I can re-join the world of dance or performance of some sort, but for now, I need to set my priorities to what needs to be done to get back to an even playing field.

I look forward to later days this year, I have a feeling more exciting things are to come! Keep you posted!!

Live, Laugh, Love.


Megan said…
So glad you are enjoying your new job, even through the crazy hours. And so excited for your hubby's prospect of day shift!! Hope you continue to get more and more settled!

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