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Showing posts from December, 2010

So Ends Another Year and Chapter in Life...

Just a mere 4 hours of 2010 left and I am full of hope, wonder, excitement and anticipation of what the new year can and will bring. It's amazing the change and transition life has taken in the last year. I NEVER thought in a million years that I would fall in love with a British man, go to England, go to Greece, get engaged in Greece and be set to move over to be with him in 2011! (The sum of my year! LOL!) To boot, I received some rather humorous (or at least humorous to me!) news that has had me smiling all day today (which is horrible that I would gloat because it's just soo mean! But I look at it as "poetic justice"! I can't say what I found out on here, I was sworn to secrecy!) But let's just say that a wish for karma to make it's mark finally happened! ;) What a way to end the year! So, is this a good start to 2011?? I believe it is! (Raising my wine glass) Cheers to a great year of growth, love, adventure, tears, laughter and sweet revenge...

Christmas Time is Here...

Merry Christmas to everyone!! :) Today is Christmas and though I didn't get to spend it with my hunny and his family like I had hoped, it is nice to be able to spend another year with my parents and sisters as well as my brother and his family who should be here soon! It's been a nice relaxing day with anticipation of some fantastic dinner to come! (Ham, Turkey and all the other famous holiday foods that are bound to make you gain 10lbs!) I haven't heard any word yet from the British Embassy in regards to my visa, but now they are closed until the Wednesday (the 29th) so I don't think I will be in England for New Years either ((POUT!!)) Sooo....Yeah! The waiting continues! Still just trying hard to remain positive! Other news, my wedding dress made it to England! LOL! So at least I don't have to worry about that! But hopefully after these holidays I can still fit into that dress!! Lol! I can't seem to get the numbers to budge, it's maddening really! At

I'm going to lose my freak'n mind!!

UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! So, STILL nothing from the UK Embassy! I recently joined a site for American's going/in the UK to network together and there's a forum about Visa processing times and it's soo frustrating to see all these people who have applied 3 weeks AFTER I applied for mine and they have theirs while I'm still waiting for me! :( Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy that they got their visa, but it just makes me REALLY discouraged and frustrated, etc. It's really hard to explain the feelings and I don't want to sound like I'm whining, but seriously, unless you guys are going through this, you have NO idea what it's like! I'm pretty convinced that I won't be there for Christmas which is hugely disappointing to me. I was really hoping to spend my first Christmas there with the fiancee and his girls and we had all sorts of things we wanted to do together, etc. Ultimately, I

I Question Your Concept of Loyalty...

So, this is my high horse tonight, it's a stupid pedestal to stand on and I realize that and I probably sound like I'm throwing a kid temper-tantrum but this is where I'm at tonight...WHY do we continue to support and "ok" the behaviors of wrong doer's? It's NOT ok!!...and show a LITTLE ounce of loyalty, support and respect to the person who was victim to wrong doer!! What I'm finding out is who my real friends are and who most definitely are not! I never wanted to make people choose between me and my ex...but I didn't think I was expecting much by hoping that the one's who really have nothing to do with him or just even flat out hate him would take a stand for me and say "you know what? I don't need your friendship! You were a horrible person to my friend and I really don't want that kind of person in my life!" I REALLY question people's concept of loyalty...You can't claim to radically stand and speak out on the

Dear Santa, my only Christmas wish...

Today has been a great day! Woke up this morning, made my sisters, mom and I some peppermint mocha espresso's and we ate cinnamon rolls. I got to spend a good amount of time talking to my fiancee on Skype and now we are decorating my parents house for Christmas (I'm waiting for dad and mom to get the lights on the Christmas tree). It's all warm and cozy with hot chocolate and Christmas music and family...It's nice! I've missed that togetherness time...bittersweet though, that's how I feel right now. (I will try not to make this another whiny blog because Lord knows I have enough of those already!) I think it's just that incomplete feeling. I have family around me...I have everyone here I love to spend time with...Except my hunny. I try to be patient and I try not to pout and get frustrated and be moody but it's hard since I thought I would be there already and I want to be there soo badly! So Santa, my only Christmas wish is to be in England with the