So, I've decided to write about a particular comment because it's bugging me! (Thus probably proving the comment to be true...but that is besides the point!) The comment was that I tend to over-worry and over-stress the little things and make them bigger issues than what they really are. I don't understand where I have done that though! I have been stressed, I won't lie, BUT ANYONE in my position would be just as stressed and so called "over-reacting" in my position...and I brought this VERY valid point up in our conversation. Let me give you an idea of what I'm facing: Work stress at current job while trying to apply for new job in the UK, while trying to come up with the money to move while trying to pay bills while trying to root through stuff to sell while also trying to give away my dog who I have had for over 5 years and is like my kid....I could literally keep going! Im doing all of this by myself and ALL for the sake of being with the person I really want to be with! I just feel like with all the work and sacrifice I was putting in, it was a little insensitive to basically be-little my feelings or reactions. I know I over stress, worry, think, etc. But in this case, I think I'm completely justified!...I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. It's just how I feel right now though and wanted to vent out.
In other news (since I don't think I have had time to catch the world up on my happenings!) I applied for a job with Staples (yes the office supply store company) to take a marketing/business developement job in the UK. I started out super excited about this opportunity, but I find that excitment waining because honestly, I don't think I'm going to get it, and I would rather minimize the dissapointment at this time, emotionally, I just don't need another blow. But I honestly think if I don't get it, it will be because I'm kind of a gamble for them, and much harder to get over there and started. They REALLY want to see me in person which I cannot financially do. So, I think they find it easier to hire a local or atleast a local American if not me. Its a little sad I guess. I just want the peices to fall in place and make sense, but most of all, I really don't want to do this major thing alone. I feel like a lot of my major events I end up doing alone, and that's not the Britt's fault, it's not like there is a ton he can do from across the pond, but it still sad that I feel like I have to do it alone you know?
I feel bad, I feel like all my news is downer news! My life really isn't that bad, it's just a mini-chapter I need to get through right now. All I can say is "come what may..." Life always has a funny way of working out for the better anyways! ;)
Live, Laugh, Love!
In other news (since I don't think I have had time to catch the world up on my happenings!) I applied for a job with Staples (yes the office supply store company) to take a marketing/business developement job in the UK. I started out super excited about this opportunity, but I find that excitment waining because honestly, I don't think I'm going to get it, and I would rather minimize the dissapointment at this time, emotionally, I just don't need another blow. But I honestly think if I don't get it, it will be because I'm kind of a gamble for them, and much harder to get over there and started. They REALLY want to see me in person which I cannot financially do. So, I think they find it easier to hire a local or atleast a local American if not me. Its a little sad I guess. I just want the peices to fall in place and make sense, but most of all, I really don't want to do this major thing alone. I feel like a lot of my major events I end up doing alone, and that's not the Britt's fault, it's not like there is a ton he can do from across the pond, but it still sad that I feel like I have to do it alone you know?
I feel bad, I feel like all my news is downer news! My life really isn't that bad, it's just a mini-chapter I need to get through right now. All I can say is "come what may..." Life always has a funny way of working out for the better anyways! ;)
Live, Laugh, Love!