It's embarrassing to look at this and realize that it's been over a year since I last looked at this. I think realistically, I need to set a goal and actually stick to it. It's like anything in life, diets, meditation, health regimes...What good is it if you aren't sticking to it? It's very easy to get side tracked in life or in my case, distracted. I easily let things distract me. Why is that? The things about writing is that it is such a good way (along with music) to soothe the soul. It's getting all that junk that floats around your brain onto paper (albeit in my case I think the term is "verbal vomit"). Either way, I really should partake more in this soul therapy. I think I would have a few less sick days and flu rashes if I would just let it all out. So what has this last year looked like for me? Work. Too much work honestly and very little life experience. I need to do more with life experience. I get caught up in this sort of "rat ra...
So I am the queen at updating this blog once a year! I don't mean to neglect, but it's just been so busy for me! Life certainly keeps me on my toes these days! Big events that are worth noting for the past year: -Bought a house! It's a lovely three bedroom detached house that I can call my own, hide in to get away from the world. Decorate any way I want and fill with love! I couldn't be happier here and have really settled in well! -Got a dog! He's a year old now and named Mack. Mack is a gorgeous black lab puppy with the most loving personality and the energy of 20 kids hyped up on sugar! He is the sweetest and most exhausting little guy, but he is my baby! Here is my warning for when you visit: Beware of dog, he does not hold licker well! Haha! I love that he makes me a more active person. I walk him daily and play with him when I would probably otherwise just sit on my backside and watch TV. So he's awesome all around. -I am officially a UK CITIZEN!!! Wh...