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My place in this world

It's embarrassing to look at this and realize that it's been over a year since I last looked at this. I think realistically, I need to set a goal and actually stick to it. It's like anything in life, diets, meditation, health regimes...What good is it if you aren't sticking to it? It's very easy to get side tracked in life or in my case, distracted. I easily let things distract me. Why is that? The things about writing is that it is such a good way (along with music) to soothe the soul. It's getting all that junk that floats around your brain onto paper (albeit in my case I think the term is "verbal vomit"). Either way, I really should partake more in this soul therapy. I think I would have a few less sick days and flu rashes if I would just let it all out. So what has this last year looked like for me? Work. Too much work honestly and very little life experience. I need to do more with life experience. I get caught up in this sort of "rat ra...
Recent posts

Annual Update!

So I am the queen at updating this blog once a year! I don't mean to neglect, but it's just been so busy for me! Life certainly keeps me on my toes these days! Big events that are worth noting for the past year: -Bought a house! It's a lovely three bedroom detached house that I can call my own, hide in to get away from the world. Decorate any way I want and fill with love! I couldn't be happier here and have really settled in well! -Got a dog! He's a year old now and named Mack. Mack is a gorgeous black lab puppy with the most loving personality and the energy of 20 kids hyped up on sugar! He is the sweetest and most exhausting little guy, but he is my baby! Here is my warning for when you visit: Beware of dog, he does not hold licker well! Haha! I love that he makes me a more active person. I walk him daily and play with him when I would probably otherwise just sit on my backside and watch TV. So he's awesome all around. -I am officially a UK CITIZEN!!! Wh...

It's Been Over a YEAR!!

Last I wrote, I had just moved into my current rental and was getting ready to start an temp job that turned out to be a complete and utter nightmare and end as quick as it began! Thankfully, not a month later I was able to find what is my current job and I can proudly say I have been working out for over a year now with potentials of a promotion and raise! (More details to follow, I don't want to jinx myself just yet, so if you are reading this, please send out all the positive vibes, say a prayer, lots of love and care as this girl could use the boost! Not only would this job be a great step in the right direction for me and my career, it would also put me back on a schedule that I painfully crave to have as my current schedule is a nightmare! Don't get me wrong, my job is good and pay AMAZING...Buuuuttt...The hours are ever changing from day-to-day and week-to-week that its hard to have anything of a life much less see my hubby who is working a lot of hours as well. This ...

Better Things to Come?

So, I have officially packed, unpacked, arranged sorted, decorated, re-decorated (and so forth!) the new home!! YAY!! I absolutely LOVE the new house! It's a great size, not too big, not too small and very cozy! I honestly can see us living here for a long time! (As long as the neighbors aren't crazy! Haha!). It's a semi-dettached home with 3 bedrooms 1 full bathroom and one half bathroom. A nice little living room, dining room and kitchen as well as a back yard with a nice little porch! We have neighbors to our right and left, but none behind us, so we shouldn't bug too many people! I think the best thing about this home is that we have really been able to feel like we could settle into it and really make it our "home". Not just a "house" but a "home". I'm just so pleased beyond words! 2nd good news (and perhaps a start to better things to come!) is that I was asked to work a temp job that starts tomorrow morning! I will work with the...

Happy New Years!

Another year down. Another 365 days of life experiences, ups, downs, tears, laughter and whatever else can be compacted into this little brain of mine! In all honesty, 2012 probably wasn't one of my most favorite years to look back on. There were a lot of trails and frustrations and it has pretty much left me back to starting over again. Not that starting over is a bad thing! BUT I feel like I'm back to square one. Still need to find another job and I've applied for so many already! I've been a bit frustrated about that. Funds are really tight and poor hubby is having to put in a lot of extra time at work, but moving will help a lot! The first couple months of 2013 will be a bit tight, but I can tell you I'm very hopeful for better things! They seem to be looking up anyways! So I am hopeful! I've never been a big massive fan of doing the whole "New Years Resolutions" thing. I've always figured that becoming a better person doesn't just h...

Things I love About My New Home!

Right! So last post I told you the top 5 things I loved/missed in the U.S. today, I feel that it is a great time to tell you about all the things I love about my new home! (It will be more than 5 things...and not in any particular order as today I just don't have the energy!) Here we go! 1. The history! It literally can be seen everywhere! From the old building structures to displayed artefacts, there are signs of England's history and culture everywhere! I can't wait to see more! 2. Believe it or not, the food! I have tried so many amazing different foods from different cultures that I have become quite fond of! 3. On the few days that there is sun shining brilliantly in the sky (especially in the spring), the colours here are the most brilliant and vivid I think I have ever seen! It is absolutely fantastic and t takes your breath away! 4. Let's talk affordable amazing wine!....Enough said! 5. Let's talk affordable amazing beer...Enough said! 6. Travel ...

My Top 5 "Things From Home I Miss"

One of the top things I think I am asked over here in England (aside from "why the heck would you choose to come here!?"...It's a smaller town I'm in...) is: "What do you miss the most from back home?" It's a good and fair question I think! I've put quite a bit of thought into this question as well and have come up with the top 5 things I miss about home. Truth is, I've learned to adapt and become content in pretty much any situation. But just because I'm content doesn't mean there isn't a thing or two to be missed about my homeland! So, without further ado, here it is: 5. It's silly, but I'm going to throw it out there. Certain foods and restaurants. You can not get snow crab legs here at all and I ADORE snow crab! You can by King Crab for a ghastly amount and it's not the easiest to come by...But it's no comparison. Same goes for restaurants like Texas Road House. BUT I have a real new found love for Indian food a...