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Showing posts from September, 2012

Saved for a Rainy Day...

The weather is miserable today. It's raining, cold and frigid. I think we completely walked from Spring to Autumn this year with little teases of sun to keep us from going insane. The rain has been drizzling, it's been dark all day and here I am, snuggled up on my comfy reading chair with not one but 3 blankets draped over me! (It's cold!) and the heater working it's magic to add some comfort. I look over to my right and there stretched out on the couch is my husband with his laptop looking up car parts for our ever needing BMW. Despite the cold, the rain and three blankets, today I have felt the most content I think I have felt in a long time. Life is what is needs to be right now. Nothing is perfect but I have everything I need. Despite the weather, I've been looking forward to the changing colors of Autumn and the life changes that can come with it. It's like a new season can breath in a little new life sometimes you know? I love fall and I've been excit