Well, after a few days of playing around on Tumblr, I've decided that it will serve one purpose, just not the one that I have for this site! ((I know all 1 of you are sighing with relief! Lol!)) I do have the Tumblr site, but I've decided that the reason for keeping that is to post videos (which I will try to make more!) and just generally show you around England and expat life as well as share my adventures, etc. it's a very light and fun and hopefully interesting travel blog basically! :) This site I will reserve for my personal experiences to share with my closest friends, family, etc. so you know what's up with me personally! I will however, post the link to my new Tumblr site soon for your enjoyment! Alright, back to relaxing! Love you guys!
A woman on a mission with purpose and passion. I love business, Sales, Marketing, Travelling, family friends, my dog Mack and living life to the fullest!