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Showing posts from April, 2012

Passion...Or Lack Thereof?

In true England fashion, today grace's us with continued rain (yet somehow the southern area of England is in a drought? I have yet to figure that one out!). It's very quiet and still outside despite the light pitter patter of rain. To my amazement, there is never thunder or lightening. I've seen so many heavy showers fall, but never hear that magnetic and still therapeutic sound of clashing thunder. Sometimes I miss that. Sometimes I crave that feeling of comfort it gives, or sometimes that electric energy buzz it gives you. It's never hard to find something to marval at as long as your willing to keep an open mind, heart and eye. Here, there seems to be no shortage of interesting things to admire. Old buildings, cobblestone streets still exist, vast colors that are brilliant in the sun. I need to post more pictures! (Working on that I promise!) Today though, I just feel dis-enchanted with things. I think it's just one of those "blah" days, but I'