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Showing posts from November, 2010

STILL Waiting!!!

UGHHH!!!! This is torture!! How long must I endure the painful wait?? (Please no comments of it "building character"....I DON'T CARE!!) I'm just very anxious! I thought I would be there by now and I'm finding myself stuck in the land of "what if?"...By this I mean questions that cause me to worry like "What if it got lost in the mail??", "What if they are taking so long because they are going to say no??", "What if it takes many months more to get my approval??"...etc! It's all stressful! I only have so much money to stretch out to a certain point! So, my fear is that I will run out of funding and need to get a temp job to make ends meet and Dave will have to pick up my slack more...*pout!* I don't know if my paperwork is coming via normal snail mail or certified mail, UPS, etc. and my biggest worry is that it gets lost! I have tried to remind myself that I DID receive the letter stating that it would take them 5-1...

Little "mini-ventures" to make time pass!

So, I haven't had anything going on which has been the reason for no new updating posts, but I have been contemplating things that I want to do before I leave the states and start my new adventure! (Plus, I want something to talk about!!) So one mini-venture I thought I would get started is maybe (and I KNOW this is cliche'!): Losing a few pounds! (I just heard a million sighs and groans! LOL!) I have gained a little in the last couple months because of my food intake and well, I NEED to fit into that wedding dress! So, I'm praying to lose at least 5 pounds in the next 2 months (if not quicker!) and 10-15 by the time we do our honeymoon! SO, wish me luck and I will keep you updated on the progress! (This officially starts tomorrow by the way!) The 2nd idea I had was to start some sort of video blog to post to this as well just for fun or to show surroundings, etc! I was working on the idea tonight, but couldn't figure out how to work my hp mediasmart programs! LOL! ...
At least there has been some progress to moving forward to this next chapter! I found out a few days ago that the British Embassy has gotten my paperwork and they say they will have it processed within the next 5-15 working days. (But my lawyer says they typically move very quick so I should hear something pretty quick...With all hope!) I'm trying not to get my hopes up every day when I check the mail! (Especially since it's waaayyy to early to get anything anyways!) But it's hard because I'm so anxious! Tomorrow morning I have the movers coming to re-pack my items and take to ship off (they needed to be re-packed anyways as I had packed them using clothes and towels as padding, so it would be good to have them packed a little more professionally). Funny enough, the process was insane, it's like I have to push myself on these companies to get them to work with me! LOL! I originally called 4 different companies to get quotes. 3 out of 4 actually responded back, nev...

More Updates!!

So I suppose it's a good time to update the "goings on" in my life now that I have a few things to chat about! :D Monday I went and did my biometrics which was just finger printing (in this day and age though it's all through a computer!) Then they took a picture of me and stamped my documents and I was sent on my merry way! (Funny enough, it was a 30 minute drive for a 10 minute appointment, but I'm not complaining! I didn't have to sit in a lobby and wait an hour, I was just able to walk in, do the do and leave!) after my biometrics appointment though I was able to send off the additional paperwork on my side to the British Embassy in L.A. (funny enough!) I expect the paperwork to arrive to them tomorrow sometime. So at this point, we play the wait game with them till they decide whether or not to give the go ahead! I'm told they work pretty quick, so I'm hoping to hear anything in the next 2 weeks! At this point, my travel plans are set for the 27...

I think I found my dress!!

I'm soo excited! I think this will make the PERFECT 2 time use wedding dress! :)I tried to upload the picture onto this site, but for some reason it won't! *POUT!* I'll keep working on it! But for now, refer to the link I'm providing! So I couldn't help myself! You see, David and I have been talking about what we want to do. Well, in order to just make things "official" we have to go to the judge and just do the whole in-court marriage, which is fine because I've already had my whole big wedding with the big dress and ceremony and reception, etc. Not really needing it. So, instead, what we thought is that we would just get married and then throw a "reception" later that everyone could come to (maybe just a big BBQ or something). But then later we want our "Honeymoon" to be in the Maldives (BEAUTIFUL Island by the way!) and do their little wedding package with the two of us (it...

Good New's on a Tuesday!

Well it's official! The visa paperwork has been submitted and I have to go in for my "biometrics" (finger printing and pictures taken of me for identity purposes) and then submit some paperwork to the UK Border Agency in California. The lawyers think that it is possible that I should be able to fly to England in 3 weeks! We are pushing for the 25th of November. I REALLY hope it goes that well. I'm afraid of it taking longer though because we are starting to go into Holiday season with Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, etc. Which means more days off and less time to get things done with lots of people...I don't know how many people are trying to LEAVE the U.S. but I assume the work load isn't light. It's amazing how many things start to cross your mind that you have to figure out like: How do I file my taxes this coming April? What about 2012? Paying my student loans? Keeping dual citizenship? Etc. etc. etc! I think I got them all figured out though! ...