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Showing posts from October, 2010

Ummm....WOW!!!....I missed telling you the BEST PART!!

I was glancing through my blogs and I realized that I never posted about my trip to England! How could I forget!?! It was only like the the biggest event of the year (so far!) and littered with exciting stories and adventures! BUT being several weeks later, my recounts won't be incredibly amazing in describing the details of the whole trip, so I'll summarize the trip and highlight the best parts! Spent the first 2 days around London with the Brit as my amazing tour guide. Got to see almost EVERYTHING! Big Ben, Parliament, historical parks, rivers, Buckingham Palace and yes! EVEN the soldiers dressed in red with the big fuzzy black caps! It was fantastic! Hand-in-hand he proudly showed me all the sites he thought I would love and beamed at my child-like enthusiasm. After a few days of being in England, we took a special trip over to Rhodes Greece where I got to see more amazing history, castles, temples, and rode a donkey in Lin dos to the Acropolis (and yes, I had "MAMA Mi...

I Want to Grow Old with You...

I wanna make you smile, Whenever you're sad. Carry you around when your arthritis is bad. All I wanna do, Is grow old with you. I'll get you medicine, When your tummy aches. Build you a fire if the furnace breaks. Oh it could be so nice, Growin' old with you. I'll miss you, kiss you, Give you my coat when you are cold. Need you, feed you. Even let you hold the remote control. So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink. Put you to bed when you've had too much to drink. Oh I could be the man, Who grows old with you. I wanna grow old with you. ~The Wedding Singer You never realize what you really want in life until you think it's been taken away. I'm so grateful for a second chance at life, love and opportunity! I was thinking about the comment I made yesterday about being afraid of being that "old spinster with 20 cats", I never really realized how badly I wanted to grow old with someone. All those sentimental pi...

The Start of a New Journey...Again!

Left Boise on Monday with a mixture of anger and relief followed up by sadness! The anger and relief was due to work crap and then me leaving the work crap. The sadness was due to having to tell everyone goodbye...especially my best friends! :( I have to remind myself though that this isn't goodbye, this is a "see you later!" So, day 2 has come and gone at my parents home in Washington and I'm now playing the waiting game on my visa application which I feel like is taking FOREVER! It doesn't help that our lawyer lost our paperwork for over a week, and apparently as of today, it still hasn't been submitted! I thought I would be able to relax after leaving work, but this whole ordeal has just been an addition to the whole thing. Eventually I will be able to relax and breath! If everything was going the way it was supposed to go, I would be leaving here on the 20th of November, but I don't know if that's the case anymore! The waiting is killing me though!...

A funny little poem written by me!

Honesty when you are drunk: By me! deep down feelings a lot easier noted most likely said most likely written it's sad that that it can bring out the most deep down feelings the liquid courage the bravest notion for me to tell you just what I'm feeling exactly what emotion at that very minute or every situation I have an opinion I have an idea I may not be understanding but my hearts in the right place I'm not innocent otherwise I wouldn't be drunk