I was glancing through my blogs and I realized that I never posted about my trip to England! How could I forget!?! It was only like the the biggest event of the year (so far!) and littered with exciting stories and adventures! BUT being several weeks later, my recounts won't be incredibly amazing in describing the details of the whole trip, so I'll summarize the trip and highlight the best parts! Spent the first 2 days around London with the Brit as my amazing tour guide. Got to see almost EVERYTHING! Big Ben, Parliament, historical parks, rivers, Buckingham Palace and yes! EVEN the soldiers dressed in red with the big fuzzy black caps! It was fantastic! Hand-in-hand he proudly showed me all the sites he thought I would love and beamed at my child-like enthusiasm. After a few days of being in England, we took a special trip over to Rhodes Greece where I got to see more amazing history, castles, temples, and rode a donkey in Lin dos to the Acropolis (and yes, I had "MAMA Mi...
A woman on a mission with purpose and passion. I love business, Sales, Marketing, Travelling, family friends, my dog Mack and living life to the fullest!