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Showing posts from June, 2010

Over-Stressed over the "Little Things"??

So, I've decided to write about a particular comment because it's bugging me! (Thus probably proving the comment to be true...but that is besides the point!) The comment was that I tend to over-worry and over-stress the little things and make them bigger issues than what they really are. I don't understand where I have done that though! I have been stressed, I won't lie, BUT ANYONE in my position would be just as stressed and so called "over-reacting" in my position...and I brought this VERY valid point up in our conversation. Let me give you an idea of what I'm facing: Work stress at current job while trying to apply for new job in the UK, while trying to come up with the money to move while trying to pay bills while trying to root through stuff to sell while also trying to give away my dog who I have had for over 5 years and is like my kid....I could literally keep going! Im doing all of this by myself and ALL for the sake of being with the person I real