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Showing posts from April, 2014

It's Been Over a YEAR!!

Last I wrote, I had just moved into my current rental and was getting ready to start an temp job that turned out to be a complete and utter nightmare and end as quick as it began! Thankfully, not a month later I was able to find what is my current job and I can proudly say I have been working out for over a year now with potentials of a promotion and raise! (More details to follow, I don't want to jinx myself just yet, so if you are reading this, please send out all the positive vibes, say a prayer, lots of love and care as this girl could use the boost! Not only would this job be a great step in the right direction for me and my career, it would also put me back on a schedule that I painfully crave to have as my current schedule is a nightmare! Don't get me wrong, my job is good and pay AMAZING...Buuuuttt...The hours are ever changing from day-to-day and week-to-week that its hard to have anything of a life much less see my hubby who is working a lot of hours as well. This