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Showing posts from March, 2010

Tick Tock! Tick Tock!

Do you hear that? It's the sound of time passing painfully slow ! Anticipation, nervousness, anxiety, excitment, fear....a HUGE mixture of emotions hitting me right now. Why? Because by this time in two weeks he will be here and we will see how things mesh together. Over the internet things are soo SAFE! He can't see all my nasty habits, he can't see my dirty house, my (sometimes) lack of motivation, perhaps even the pathetic-ness of my "Chinese and Gilmore Girls" night. Over the internet there is no pressure to "perform", no pressure to push things to "the next level"...Don't get me wrong! I'm completely excited to see him and I've missed seeing him horribly since Cancun...But I can't help the "what if" fears that seems to make itself right at home on my right shoulder. I know things are going to be good...But what if they arent? What if we can't even get through the first week with each other? What if I'm no...